Sunday, March 12, 2017

Could FISH EYES help find the cure for blindness? Scientists discover a way to regenerate human retinas after a study on zebrafish

Fish eyes may hold the key to a cure for blindness in humans, scientists claim.

In a study of zebrafish, experts identified the triggers that can reverse the age-related macular degeneration. This condition, the major cause of loss of vision of the world, occurs when the retina is damaged. Reduce the level of the brain chemical helps to grow on the affected area of the eye, new research suggests. And this process can take place before that happens, even prevent damage that man every time they need glasses. Researchers from the Universidad de Vanderbilt, Tennessee, found the signal that triggers the repair process in zebrafish.The retina they considered human beings, with the growth of new ones started by decreasing neurotransmitter. They found a decrease inGABA is a trigger for regeneration, suggesting that the same methodcould work in humans.
Professor James Patton, said study author: ' it is possible to stimulate the human retina for improved by treatment with the inhibitor GABA.' the prevailing belief has been the process of regeneration in fish retina caused by growth factors were excluded. ' but our results show that the neurotransmitter GABA can start a process in place that ' all models consider the retina should be badly damaged, before regeneration occurred, but our research indicates GABA can induce this process even in the retina without injury. ' the retina contains adult stem cells called glia from Muller. Fish, they play a key role in regeneration.When shooting in zebrafish, they began to proliferate and become a substitute for the cells of the retina are damaged. Müller glial cells are also present in the retina of humans and other mammals, but does not regenerate. In the experiment, published a report on stem cells, found a high concentration of GABA kept the cells that are not active.Fish with drugs injection that maintains high levels of chemical substances in the brain suppress the process of regeneration. Zebrafish easily blind but because strong regenerative ability her eyes to be recovered in just 28 days.


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