Scientists say that patients at any stage of the disease can reduce their risk of death by 21 percent by adding Japan ingredient to yourdiet. This is because the main ingredient in soy, isoflavones, decreases the tumor cells in women with breast cancer that does not respondto hormonal drugs. But the researchers added that with products such as tofu and soy sauce is also safe for those in such drugs such as tamoxifen - contrary to previous studies.
Researchers at Tufts University, in Massachusetts, studied more than6,000 women living with breast cancer in the United States and Canada. They were recorded in a register of international breast cancer and their diets were evaluated in the course of nine and a half years. During that period, more than 1,200 deaths occurred - which is about 20 per cent of the patients. The researchers found that women who consumed a high level of isoflavones - the compound that is found primarily in soy - had a 21 percent reduction in mortality compared with women who consumed the least amount of soy.
'Our findings suggest that survival may be best in patients with increased consumption of isoflavones,' said Dr. Esther John, from the Institute of California cancer prevention, who led the study.
Breast cancer is the second United States women cancer killer, after lung cancer. More than 318,000, men and some women, must be diagnosed with breast cancer in the United States in the year 2017, andannually die about 40,600. Around 70% of breast cancers are estrogen-receptive positive - which means that they respond well to treatment with tamoxifen and other hormonal drugs. Hormone receptor negative cancer does not have these receptors, that such ineffective therapies. Soy foods have been linked to help positive estrogen-responsive tumors to grow and spread because isoflavones mimic the effectsof the female hormone. Researchers from the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York said soybeans could boost the expression of genes related to breast cancer. His study, not to treat these changes in gene expression, however, would lead to greater tumor growth. The Tufts University study found that isoflavones in women withestrogen receptor-negative breast cancer, that do not respond to hormonal drugs, slowed the growth of breast cancer cells. And mortalityrates dropped by a fifth. The researchers noted that they examined only natural dietary isoflavones, not from supplements. How isoflavones in food interact with the cells of breast cancer is unclear, but investigations have shown that they have antioxidants, anti-inflammatories and other effects that might influence growth and survival of the tumor. Dr. Omer Kucuk, the University of the Institute of cancer EmoryWinship in Atlanta, who reviewed the study, said that United States isthe largest producer of soybeans in the world. This puts the country in a good position to initiate changes in health policy, promoting soyintake, he said. Dr. Küçük added: "we now have evidence of soy foods not only prevent breast cancer, but they also benefit women who have breast cancer. '" We can therefore recommend women consumesoy foods because of soy many health benefits.'
Breast cancer can begin in different parts of the chest.
Most breast cancers begin in the ducts that carry milk to the nipple (ductal cancers). Some may begin in the glands that produce milk (lobular cancers).
Breast cancer is the murderer of second cancer of women, behind lung cancer.
More than 318,000 women with breast cancer will be diagnosed in 2017.
It is expected that 40.610 women will die of it.
Signs and symptoms:
A new lump or mass - usually soft, smooth or rounded
Swelling of all or part of a chest (although no distinct lump feels)
Irritation of the skin or dimpling
Chest pain or nipple
Redness, peeling, or thickening of the skin of the nipple or breast
Nipple discharge (that is not breast milk)
There are two types of treatments for breast cancer, but women often choose a combination of them.
1) local treatments - treating the tumor without affecting the rest of the body
Radiation therapy
2) systemic treatments - cancer is treated with drugs that can be administered via oral or directly into the bloodstream.
They are called systemic since they can reach the cancer anywhere inthe body cells.
Hormone therapy
Targeted therapy
Source: American Cancer Society
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