That adds up to injury more than 66,000 a year on average, and hasonly infants and young children who visit the emergency room. Injuries are on the rise, and approximately four out of five are due to fall, report the researchers in Pediatrics.' what is surprising is how many children continue to experience nursery product injury severe enough to result in a trip to the emergency room - one every eight minutes,' said the author of the study Dr. Gary Smith, director of the Center for injury research and policy at the national children's Hospital in Columbus , Ohio.Concussions and other head injuries seem to be driving the increase in emergency room visits, Smith added. This increase in parallel to an increase in the awareness nationally about concussions, especially sports-related concussions and the possible consequences,said Smith.
For the study, Smith and his colleagues examined data from emergency room injuries associated with baby from 1991 to 2011 gear.
During the first years of the study, there was a significant decrease ininjuries, which the researchers attributed to fewer accidents associated with baby walkers. In the last eight years of the study, however, thenumber of injuries increased by 24 per cent. Overall, there was injuryalmost 1.4 million related to baby gear during the study period, the researchers estimate. The most common culprit was the carrier, who accounted for almost 20 percent of accidents. Injuries can occur whenparents do not use seat belts and buckles properly, or when the babies are placed on a high as a table or countertop surface instead of on the floor, doctors say that. Baby cots, mattresses and bedding werea close second, accounting for 19% of injuries. Cribs were banned in2011 due to the rate of injury of high associated with these moving parts, and the doctors also began to tell parents to avoid soft Crib bumpers that year. Clothing of soft bedding, pillows, blankets and stuffed animals can cause suffocation and other injuries, as poorly fittingor soft mattresses can. Strollers have participated in 17 percent of the lesions. Parents can prevent accidents through the use of buckles and straps to keep babies safe and reduce the odds down strollers bystoring bags below rather than hang back. Wider wheel bases are also safer, and parents should use casters have strollers in place when it is parked. Toys such as walkers, jumpers and athletes were associatedwith 16 percent of the accidents in the study. Accidents decreased during the years preceding the study largely because the walkers got safer, said Smith. ' stationary activity centres, as the Exersaucer, came on the market, which are products for babies as Walker without wheels,' said. 'This gave parents an alternative more secure.' a limitation ofthe study is that they only looked at emergency room visits and probably underestimates the total number of injuries, say the authors. Thestudy also lacks data on what caused injuries. Carriers, for example, are not a problem when they are used correctly, said Dr. Elizabeth Powell, a researcher of Pediatrics at Northwestern University in Chicagowho was not involved in the study. 'as an ED physician, I see kids that they are not properly secured, or those who have fallen off the carriers placed on desks, beds or other furniture,' Powell said. 'While this detail is outside the scope of the report, this is why there are injuries associated with this product.' injury rates rising in recent years couldmean at least some parents are busier and more distracted than in the past, said Dr. Tanya Altmann, founder of the Pediatrics of Calabasasin California and a researcher at the University of California at Los Angeles.' I see more and more parents in the park or out of home with their babies, not interacting with their babies, but with his face on their phone, "Altmann, who did not participate in the study, said. '" a baby reaching or grabbing trying to draw the attention of their parents isoften falls and accidents that occur.
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